Rhinoplasties (also known colloquially as nose jobs) are plastic surgery on the nose. These can be done for medical reasons or for cosmetic reasons, and sometimes for both reasons. In this blog we’ll go over the major cosmetic reasons for getting a rhinoplasty done. Keep in mind many patients are looking to correct more than one aspect of their nose shape, and multiple techniques and reshaping processes can be done within the same procedure. Also keep in mind that while you may have a certain vision for the look of your nose, a good surgeon will go over the pros and cons, as well as advisability.
Correcting asymmetry
One of the major reasons for cosmetic rhinoplasty is due to an asymmetrical nose. This can be present from birth or due to an injury. This type of rhinoplasty often corrects breathing issues as well, but mainly addresses the cosmetic concerns.
Nostril reshaping
Another reason people get rhinoplasties done is to make the nostrils smaller or less flared. This procedure is called alarplasty. Alarplasty, when done as a stand-alone procedure, is quicker than a rhinoplasty, but can be done in combination with a rhinoplasty procedure.
The nose sometimes is overly big or small compared to the rest of the face. When a nose looks disproportionate compared to other facial features, a rhinoplasty can resize the nose to have it look bigger (through augmentation techniques) or smaller (through reduction).
Nasal tip correction
Nasal tip rhinoplasty involves correcting the look of the tip of the nose. Common reasons for opting for this kind of rhinoplasty include: a bulbous tip, boxy-looking tip, a tip that is overly wide or small, an upturned tip, or a droopy tip.
Wide nose
A wide nose is a nose that is wide at the top (bridge). A more aesthetic look is for the upper portion of the nose to be thin. A wide nose can be shaved down to look thinner.
Creating a bridge
In people of certain ethnicities, the nasal bridge is very low. A rhinoplasty can raise the bridge and create depth in that area.
Reducing a dorsal hump
In those with what is often referred to as a “hooked nose,” a rhinoplasty procedure can create a straighter profile (or the opposite effect, a concave curve, if that is what’s desired). This involves shaving down the bone in the nasal bridge.
A rhinoplasty can greatly improve confidence and self-esteem. It’s important to be realistic about the overall look. Seek out a plastic surgeon who is experienced in rhinoplasties, and always look at examples of their work.